
A guy who writes video game content and gives his opinion for no one to care! ^_^

The Stupidest thing i could think off at the moment!

Hello to anyone that manages to read this little blog! To add some context to this, i felt that i should write the most random and stupidest story i could think off. This is not supposed to be good or funny, just balls out random and bad. I'm quite literally typing what i think off that makes no sense! So if you think if that's somehow interesting...READ AHEAD!

My Name is Jim and i saw a horse, a very special and magical horse. Let me start where it started. It started when the horse God started naming children at the start of the line. So one horse God is named Jim, he really liked the name Jim so he named everybody Jim. So that's how i got my name, so going back to that magical horse. It was majestic but it wasn't a horse, it was a goat..A flying goat that was really good at flying. So good in fact, that he flew into a parallel universe where i was creating a cloning machine! So now the majestic goat turned into a million of Flying and Majestic goats! But that was a really good thing because 4 years ago i wished that if there was a million flying and majestic goats, i would have a shitload of wishes! So hey now i wish that this story never repeated itself!

Is Jim , a horse, a very special . Let me start where it started. Started My Name naming children at the start of the line. So one horse have a shitload God is, he really liked the name Jim that was a really. So he named. It started Jim horse God. Everybody Jim. So that's how i got my name, so going back to that magical horse. It was majestic but it wasn't a horse, when the named. It was a goat..A flying  flying. So good in fact, that he flew into a parallel and i saw universe where i was creating a cloning machine! So now the majestic goat turned into a million of Flying and Majestic and magical horse goats! But  good thing because 4 years ago i wished that if there was goat that was really good at a million flying and majestic goats, i would of wishes! So hey now never repeated itself i wish that this story.

DmC Devil May Cry Review

The order's logo

Story Summary: Say hello to Limbo City, a metropolis full of citizens that are being secretly controlled by demons. Living in this city is Dante , a Nephilim which is a hybrid from an Angel and a Demon. When Dante is in danger a person by the name of Kat warns him he should escape from the danger as soon as possible. When the danger resides, Kat explains to Dante that she's part of a group named "The Order". This group is led by Dante's twin brother Vergil . The group tries to expose light to what's happening to the citizens of Limbo City by using the media. When Vergil asks Dante if he remembers him, Dante doesn't so after that Vergil takes him to remember moments from his past. While dealing with the demons trying to kill him.

Story Review: The story is incredibly flawed. The game's writing seems to push itself to be as cool as possible to appease the old fans but for the most part it ends up being mean-spirited, falling flat or unintentionally hilarious.  Thankfully you can skip the cut-scenes so you don't need to be bothered much by this aspect of the game.

Story Score: 1 / 5

Graphics Review: The graphics in this game are a mixed bag, some areas look nice, others have an abundance of movie poster colors. This game also has a lot of texture pop-in and loading issues which are honestly a little off putting sometimes and i would've expected less pop-in since this game runs at 30FPS with a couple of big framerate drops. Most areas in this game look very grey and dull but now there's a very big issue with the graphics in this game. The issue being that this game has an over-exaggerated saturation of the colors and the bloom is very high so the combination of those two things can cause severe eye strain. I actually stopped playing this game a couple of times just because of this reason. Although one very interesting thing in this game is the morphing environments, the change in the surroundings is a very interesting idea but sadly this gets repetitive and lazy by the time you get 50% through the game.

Graphics Score: 2.5 / 5
Example of the morphing environments

Gameplay Review: Combat in this game is fun, but shallow. I can definitely say this is the best part of the game but sadly there isn't much more to the combat than pressing the attack buttons constantly and eventually dodge. One big issue is that you can break the combat by different ways either by making yourself able to kill bosses in 10 hits or have infinite air without doing much work. You can make some combos in the game but you won't need them since this game's difficulty is rather low at any difficulty setting. You won't have any trouble playing through this game, you can take that as you'd like. The platforming in this game works but is nothing to call home about. It can be fun but honestly is very average. The A.I in this game is very, very dumb, it doesn't give much a challenge as mentioned earlier but the A.I can either turn itself off or run into a wall. One very good of example i can mention is when i fought the first boss in 2 different play-throughs. The boss froze in place without attacking and never moving. This happened to me twice out of 5 play-throughs, so you should see this at least once if you play through the game more than once.

Gameplay Score: 2.5 / 5

Infinite air example

Bosses A.I Turning off

Music Review: The music is horrible, for the most part it sounds like a bunch of noise that easily blends into the background which ends up sounding like a garbled mess.

Music Score: 1 / 5 

Overall: The game is below average and there's nothing much to it. You can enjoy this game if you've never played a hack n' slash game before or you don't play much games as it is. But for everybody else the game is not very enjoyable else i would recommend buying something else.

Overall Score: 2 / 5

Thief 4 is rumored to also run at a lower resolution for the Xbox one.

While many games have been confirmed to run at lower resolutions on the Xbox One compared to Sony's PS4. Now Thief 4 doesn't seem to be the exception. According to a tweet IGN's editor Jeremy Conrad posted today, the PS4 version of the game will run at 1080p @30 FPS while the Xbox One version will run at 900p @30 FPS.

Although this still should be taken as a rumor but it wouldn't surprise me if this is true since plenty of games on the Xbox One have been running at lower resolutions.


DmC Devil May Cry Rant

Warning: There's going to be constant cursing, spoilers and a lot of personal opinions. So if you are allergic or heavily offended by such content i recommend you stop reading and go read something much more family friendly!

You know, i think it's fair to say that after so many outstanding reviews ranging from nines to perfect tens. You would assume that Ninja Theory's Reboot would be a fantastic game, something of high full fucking octane caliber. A story matching the greatest classics from Hollywood, level design of the gods, a frame-rate that splits the fucking ocean like a whore legs at happy hour, and game-play that matches or heck maybe surpasses the original games in every single way it could.


Let's move on the story.

Welcome to Limbo City, a metropolis full of brainwashed citizens that are secretly controlled by very powerful demons. Living in this city is Dante , a young man that is a demon-angel hybrid called Nephilim. After getting drunk, and bringing 2 classy madams to have some tea. He meets a young woman by the name of Kat, warning him that he is in danger

When Dante steps outside, he's dragged down into Limbo, a parallel dimension that is roughly different to the human world but more twisted and vibrant. This dimension is being controlled by the demons and is their source of power.

After the danger resides, Kat explains she's part of a rouge group named "The Order" that's led by Dante's twin brother Vergil . This group's mission is to defeat the demons and bring their dark souls to the light by using the power of the internet! Vergil asks Dante if he remembers his past and to the surprise of nobody, he doesn't. So Vergil takes Dante to a trip down memory lane to make him remember details about his mysterious past.

Now sure, i wouldn't mind the story but um well i'll quote the writer

"This is also the first game I've written, cast and directed myself. If i do my job right, you should be seeing a story of Dante that breaks the myth that all videogame stories are trite and will never stand up to the best that theatre and film have to offer." 
"and a videogame story, which hopefully for once, treats us like sophisticated adults. " ~Tameem Antoniades 

So um..Mr.Tameem Antoniades...you'll have to work on that...and while at it, stop being full of yourself .

The story is incredibly cringe worthy. Constant cursing with no reason whatsoever passing by "cool" which defeats the purpose of treating people like "sophisticated adults". Tons of plot holes, one good example i could give it's right at the beginning of the game. When Dante goes to fight the first boss of the game. Kat throws a kind of a magic Molotov that hurts the demon and makes him weaker, now why is that the only mention of that? Why didn't she used those of magic bottles to help you out or heck why did she even get you at all? I mean she could have beaten those demons because that Molotov clearly made him weaker and hurt him.

The original Dante from the debut trailer looked a lot more interesting, he seemed more natural and more serious than the forced Dante we got, which is not supposed to be the original Dante at all, heck they even make fun of it on the game (clip)  but yet they make the character to look as much as the old Dante as possible with slow mo shots, one liners, the exotic show-offs from the weapons, attempts of being "cool" that usually pass off as being mean-spirited and the biggest of them all the changing of the color palette to the original Dante when you get the Devil Trigger.

Now i'll stop talking about the story and move on to the game-play.

So the game-play...it works. I really can't say more than it works. I do have a very big issue with this game's combat, going from Devil may cry's very complex and fun combat to a very shallow button masher that seems more like a beginner's god of war clone. Something that also harms the combat quite a bit is the lack of a lock on button, i do have to ask the developers what they were thinking? With a lot of the moves requiring you to push a direction and attack an enemy. (Example: You do a stinger which is Forward + Attack, now if you want to attack an enemy 25 degrees to your right, you will miss this attack since the attack only goes forward and in return the flow of the combat breaks.)

The platforming actually works now, definitely an upgrade over the original's abysmal platforming.  Although is nothing to call home about but is probably the most fun i had in this game since it stopped me from playing the dull and repetitive combat.

Another feature this game has is Demonic & Angelic weapons which are well...weapons but the angelic weapons are fast and weak. The Demonic weapons are heavy but strong. That's really it, there's nothing else except a little annoying thing.

This game has 3 dodges for some strange reason and you also have to press 2 buttons for two of those evade abilities. First one is simple enough, it just require you to press the dodge button. The other dodge is angel evade which requires you to hold the angelic weapon button and press the dodge button twice...again for some reason and it's just a normal dodge that has more invincibility frames and a longer leap distance. Then there's the demon dodge which quite honestly is the only dodge you will use, this one requires you to hold the demonic weapon button and dodge. This dodge increases your damage output by a shitload to the point the game completely breaks, this dodge gives me the ability to kill bosses in the 5-8 hits using a demonic weapon after using that dodge.

Later on this game introduces a gaming sin, color coded enemies. If you don't know what that is,  it's just simply enemies that are limited to only be damaged by certain weapons and worst of all this is only the way the game upgrades the difficulty because it forcibly limits your ability instead of relying on design to make the game harder.

Speaking of difficulty, this game has none. Now before you say "PLAY ON DA HARDER DIFFICULTIEZ DEN!" i started this game on the hardest difficulty available from the beginning and finished every other difficulty without dying once.If you want to get SSS combos on this game find two enemies and hit them constantly at the same time (Doesn't matter if you mash the button) one they die, enjoy your SSS combo. So like i did mention a paragraph back, the only attempt of this game trying to upgrade it's difficulty it's the color coded enemies. So what you get at the beginning of the game, it's mostly what you get a the end of the game.

The graphics, they are interesting, 15% looks okay, the other 35% looks dull and the other 50% HURTS MY FUCKING EYES! This game sure has color (and by color i mean blue and orange, the most overused movie poster color combo) as a lot of other people said but i have to say there's a difference between colorful and blindness. I've actually had to stop playing this game quite a bit because it gave me a headache. Something that i think it's a first for me since i never had a game cause me a headache just on how bright and how full of blue and orange vomit this game had plastered all over the place.

Although to give credit where credit is due. The morphing environments are cool and i'm surprised more games haven't done it but sadly like everything in this game. They got lazy later on by doing the same thing over and over.

Something helping the headache was the music, while i have nothing much to say about it besides that it's not good, at least to my personal tastes. Someone could like it but then again someone likes to literally eat shit. So take that how you will.

Overall this game goes recommended if you want to get into a character action games like in the same vain i would recommend Final Fantasy Mystic Quest if you want to play an RPG and learn absolutely nothing.

2.5 of 5

Sony's PlayStation 4 outsells Microsoft's Xbox One by almost a 2-1 margin.

Both Sony's and Microsoft's consoles have been both selling extremely well since their November launch, despite some controversy with the Xbox one and the added online fee for multi-player games in the PlayStation 4. But just recently Sony's John Koller confirmed the following on the PlayStation blog

"The response has been fantastic. In the US, PS4 was #1 in sales for next-gen consoles in January, nearly doubling the nearest next-gen competitor. And PS4 remains the cumulative leader here based on today's report from the NPD Group."

Although the NPD only writes

"PS4 led overall hardware sales this month, followed by the Xbox One."

Also in their report they don't seem to mention the attach ratio with consoles sold. Currently the Xbox One U.S attach rate seems to be 3 games with every console sold. (Sadly i don't have the attach ratio with me)

While the PS4 sales are certainly impressive , the PS4 still hasn't even released in Japan. Having it's release date at February 22, it will mostly likely boost it's sales by a noticeable margin and it could even possibly mean for a price drop for both the Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii U.


Shigeru Miyamoto Steps Away From Working Directly On Future Mario Titles

Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of Nintendo's most prestigious IPs, everyone knows who he is. At least on the gaming community. But a lot of people know him as the Creator of everyone's favorite Italian plumber "Mario".

Now, in recent interview with the French Website Gamekult, Shigeru Miyamoto stated that

"Creating a Mario of 3D World's calibre demands enormous energy and there is little chance that I'd be able to take the time necessary to work on the next Mario. Instead, I want to get involved more heavily in the development of new, smaller-scale projects, but that doesn't necessarily mean just modest downloadable titles. It's not impossible that I'll present a new game as principal creator in the future, but even though I'm not directly in charge of a project, I'm always keeping an eye on what the teams are doing in terms of gameplay and I have confidence in them
Don't worry about Mario!"

 Of course, with this information now out. A lot of Nintendo fans (and non fans) have been freaking out by writing or v-logging about this, saying stuff along the lines of "Nintendo is doomed" or "The industry is going to crumble to it's last breath". Obviously that is far from the case, while Shigeru Miyamoto is no doubt a big piece for Nintendo. Now just because Miyamoto is stepping away from the beloved Mario franchise, it doesn't spell the end in Nintendo, and there is several factors that support this.

Shigeru Miyamoto mentions that he's stepping down from big projects like the new "Cat Suit Mario 2013" (it's a joke, calm down), he is still going to be working on smaller scale games but it does not restrain itself to only downloadable titles. This is a very good thing, as much i love Nintendo a lot of their games are Copy-paste with some minor game-play tweaks and sometimes different settings. Now that's not saying they are not fun because trust me they are but with the current state of the Wii U's sales and the lack of interest from other gamers this is bad.

Shigeru Miyamoto could start helping the development of new IPs to spring interest to other people, or heck like he mentioned, even himself create a new one. Also getting new blood to Nintendo would be great!

Nintendo give us fans stuff to be interested in so they get your awesome new console, that quite honestly has a lot of potential. Give us a new F Zero, a new old school Metroid or a prime, a new Legend of Zelda with more uses for the items, more exploration, and some good skillful game-play, a new Mario rpg, a new Chrono game and there's so much more you could do Nintendo.

Onward Nintendo! The princess is in another castle and you must evolve to save her!

Have a Good Day!


Dissidia 012 : Easy Leveling, Gil, AP and PP Guide.

Things you will need

- Exdeath or Gabranth (Exdeath works a lot better)

- CPU Level Cap +100 (As long the opponent is a higher level you won't need this but it helps)

- Set the PSP to your Bonus Day.

- Get all the EXP Icon Boost (Again to Speed up the process)

(Optional) - Get all the other calendar boost items if you'd like to get 40PP,  +3 AP, 2x Gil per battle.

EXP Grinding Rule-set:
- While on the main menu, go to the sub-menu "Data Config"

- Select "Original Rules"

- Choose one of the empty spaces (No Rule) on the "My Rules" section.

- Once you select one of the empty slots (No Rule), choose the "Edit" option.

Now, you'll see a handy amounts of options. We'll have to mess around with them now. (Also only configure the ones i mention, leave the others untouched.)

- Initial Stage Bravery (1000)

Critical Hit Rate (1000)

Critical Hit Damage (1000)

EX Core Appearance Rate (4)

EX Core Absorption (700)

EX Force Absorption (0)

EX Mode Duration (120)

- Wall Rush Damage (200)

- Bravery Bonus (100)

- EX Revenge Duration (10)

Now you save the rule-set and name it whatever you'd like.

From Source : "
Now, what this ruleset does is drastically increase the power of Critical hits, so much that even a Level 1 can put a dent in a Level 100's Bravery. Plus, the EX Core appearance is so high, that collecting one will automatically make another appear, and just picking up the EX Core fills out your gauge to go EX. While in EX Mode (which will last for 120 seconds at maximum), you have a higher Critical Hit chance, while the Criticals themselves do a lot of damage. Try for Wall Rush for a lot of extra HP damage to quicken the pace, now that it's at 200%. With the altered Bravery Bonus at -100, you will now start with a maximized Bravery score pretty much allowing you to deal the maximum amount of damage at the outset of battle."
Time for the actual level grinding.

- Go back to the Main Menu

- Select "Battle Mode"

- Select the "Quick Battle 1-on-1" option.

- Choose any character you'd like to level up.

- As your opponent i recommend choosing Exdeath.

Battle Setup:

Stage: Order's Sanctuary

Strength (CPU) : Maximum

Level (CPU) : 100 (Anything that's higher works than your level works)

Type (CPU) : Extreme

Rules : Use the Rule-Set you made.

Judgement : None

Now, just make sure to dodge all of Exdeath's attacks (Don't worry Exdeath is very slow and calm), always go for the "Ex-CORE" and try to finish the battle with your "HP Attack + Ex-BURST"You should finish the battle instantly and get your insane amount of XP but if he's still alive, rinse and repeat.

Tip from source: "The best trick learned with this set-up is to snag a Core, then wait for (EDIT: Exdeath) to attack you. Use EX Revenge to break out of the attack, quickly grab the new EX Core, go EX, and then use an HP Attack+EX Burst on (EDIT: Exdeath) before EX Revenge ends. Rinse and repeat until you win the battle!"

Now make sure to equip any EXP Boost Accessories you have, is not necessary to do so but it speeds up the process.

Of course if you got all the other Calendar Boosts like i mentioned, you'll get a good amount of PP, AP and GIL as well.

Happy Grinding!